Learn more about Primal Therapy and our center’s purpose.
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Basic Theory
The following is taken from Why You Get Sick – How You Get Well by Dr. Arthur Janov and reviews some of the basic theory behind Primal Therapy.

“There is one neurosis, many manifestations and one cure ‘feeling.’”
Repressed pain divides the self in two, and each side wars with the other. One is the real self, loaded with needs and pain that are submerged; the other is the unreal self that attempts to deal with the outside world by trying to fulfill unmet needs with neurotic habits or behaviors such as obsessions or addictions. The split of the self is the essence of neurosis, and neurosis can kill.
That pain is the result of needs and feelings that have gone unfulfilled in early life. Those early unmet needs create what I call Primal Pain. Coming close to death at birth or feeling unloved as a child are examples of such Pain. The Pain goes unfelt at the time because the body is not equipped to experience it fully and deal with it. When the Pain is too much, it is repressed and stored away. When enough unresolved Pain has occurred, we lose access to our feelings and become neurotic.
Long-Distance Therapy
Telephone and Video Therapy
Our patients come from all over the world and cannot always stay beyond a certain time, but they can still benefit from the feeling process.
We have found over the years that “Telephone Therapy” works perfectly well. We are currently doing telephone therapy with patients in England, France, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, and several other countries, as well as the USA. Once patients have access to their feelings, the therapeutic process can go on perfectly well through the phone. It allows the patient to maintain his/her therapeutic relationship with the therapist.
We have, in the last year, implemented a program of video therapy that has worked very well all over the world. In the cases when it is beneficial for the patient to be seen by the therapist and/or for the patient to see the therapist, we are offering therapy via computer where patients and therapists can see each other. We routinely do video therapy via Skype.
What Is Skype?
Skype is a little piece of software that lets you make free calls from computer to computer, anywhere in the world. And even though the calls are free, they are of good quality.
If you are using a web camera (also known as a webcam, real camera), it is a real-time camera (usually, though not always, a video camera) whose images can be accessed using the World Wide Web, instant messaging, or a PC video calling application. With Skype, this allows you to make free video calls that let you see the other person as well as speak with them.
Web-accessible cameras typically involve a digital camera, which uploads images to a web server, either continuously or at regular intervals. This may be achieved by a camera attached to a PC or by dedicated hardware.
Videoconferencing cameras typically take the form of a small camera connected directly to a PC. Analog cameras are also sometimes used (often of the sort used for closed-circuit television), connected to a video capture card and then directly or indirectly to the internet.
You can even call landlines and mobile phones at really cheap rates (and there’s no setup or subscription fee).
How to Use Skype:
Skype is free to download and easy to use.
You can go directly to their website at www.skype.com, where you will find the software to download as well as directions for how to use it.
Simply find and add contacts to your contact list, where you can see if they’re online, offline, busy or away from their computer.
To make a call from your computer to ours is very simple once you’re set up.
Our Skype I.D. is listed as “primalcenter.”
Our Skype phone number is 1 (310) 392-8554.
That’s all you need to add us to your contact list you’ll have once you’ve downloaded Skype.
Skype works on most kinds of computers: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Pocket PCs. Calls, chats and file transfers work between all kinds of computers.
EncryptionSkype automatically encrypts calls, chats and file transfers before sending them through the internet so no one can intercept your call, text or file transfer. It’s also completely free of advertising, so you won’t be disturbed by annoying pop-ups or banners.
You can talk on Skype over the internet for free, and you’ll always be able to do that. There are some other useful things you can do on Skype that aren’t free (but they’re pretty cheap, actually.)
(Please e-mail us if you have any questions.)
“I think the phone session worked well for me – I don’t think I would have cried so much in a normal session. Fear of showing my feelings I suppose. It is encouraging though to think that I can do this when I come back from LA in December. Obviously I am keen to feature in your 2003 diary.” M.N., England.